Police Officers of Scottsdale Association

Police Officers of Scottsdale Association (POSA) - Call 480-947-5988 to learn more. What is the Police Officers of Scottsdale Association? Click on banner to visit organization’s web site.

What is the Police Officers of Scottsdale Association?

Police Officers of Scottsdale Association (POSA) was founded in 1998 and is made up of men and women who serve in law enforcement from the City of Scottsdale, Arizona.

Members of POSA created the 501 (c)(3) non-profit POSA OUTREACH organization in 2005 out of a dedicated desire to help the community.  Through unique community programs, POSA OUTREACH is able to assist youth, single parents, senior citizens, families and local businesses throughout the Scottsdale and Phoenix metropolitan areas.

Learn how you can support the POSA OUTREACH organization by clicking on the banner above, or go to www.posacommunityoutreach.com.